2016 Conference: “People and Policing”

9th ANNUAL THEOLOGY & PEACE CONFERENCE   A culmination of a three year conversation seeking to formulate theological responses to perhaps this nation’s greatest ill — the systemic scapegoating of people of color — its brutal history of slavery, lynching, Jim Crow, and mass incarceration, as well as its tragic consequences for communities of color. Mimetic Theory, the theoretical framework oringinating with the intellectual work of René Girard, and in particular its understanding of the Gospel Revelation, informs the work of Theology & Peace. It exposes the structure of racism and offers a way forward.

At our 9th Annual Conference, pastors, theologians, lay people, activists, police and prosecutors will gather to explore practical models for transforming relations between people on all sides of the current crisis of violence as issues of race continue to play out on the front-lines of our broken criminal justice system. With compassion and mutual respect, we hope to reconcile and heal relationships between people and police, between the prosecuted and the prosecutors. This will help to build a society in which all people regardless of race, color, or creed may come to the table to address and redress this nation’s long history of racism.

The 9th Annual Theology & Peace Conference is sponsored by The Raven Foundation and IMITATIO